Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Ana Medieta

Link - press release for an exhbition of Ana Mendieta's work
I researched heavilly into performance artist Ana mendieta when writing my essay about the relationship between the individual and nature. Mendieta's siluetta series is perhaps her most famous , Menieta would dig grave like body shaped urrows into the earth and lay in the pits she had made, she compared this epience to being re-born from mother eath, this work is about the auidience witnissing this ritual , or if not just thinkin about this ritual and what it meant to her , even what it would feel like to perfornm themselves. Mendeita was a key artits in both land art and performance art, i think these siuetta works and possibly others of hers would work well in my landscape gallery space, the link i have posted shows how other have shown Mendieta's work inside . As this exhibition is virtual and i was encouraged to use any pece of work from any time in thoery i could choose the performances themselves to occur at my chosen exhibition site, this would cirtainly be more practical as i wanted there to be no 2d work or documentation in the space.

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